I don't know why, but I emailed my blog "hero" this week. I felt kind of silly. Strike that, really silly. I tried not to just write about how much she inspired me. I made a valiant effort to try and explain why I felt that I needed to write her. I attempted to thank her for teaching me to cook as well as teaching me to blog. I tried not to sound like a preteen writing her favorite boy band singer. I don't know, maybe I wasn't successful. Maybe I sounded like a total freak and I am now on her list of banned emails. Who knows, now that she is so popular, she may not have even read the email herself. Some assistant probably screens them for her to prevent the inevitable boredom of hearing how fabulous she is. See, there it is again. Boy band crush. But hey, I have a lot to thank this woman for. She makes me laugh even when I don't feel like it. Her blog is always there for me, even when I am stuck on house arrest because pertussis is making the rounds in the Fort. I some how feel less lonely when I read her blog. Maybe it is because I can relate to what she writes about. Not true you say? How could I possibly have something in common other than a computer to another blogger? Well, she posts cute, adorable pictures of Spring calves next to pictures of peach pie. Or fabulous pictures of steak seared to perfection and then writes about how the basset hound ruined dinner. See why I like her blog? It is like my little inner monologue creeps out while I sleep and writes a blog. I have been secretly hiding on to hope that maybe she'll write me back. But after a week, I highly doubt it. Oh well, at least I got all of that off my chest and now I feel like I can continue on with my day. Happy trails my friends.
And since my posts are rarely complete without a picture....here is one of Miss Emily...who will soon be joining my blog topics.
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